Who runs this website?

This website is owned and operated by the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) Administration.

Who do these records relate to?

This website contains records relating to those who were born, married, or died on the Chagos Archipelago between 1878 and 1971.

Where did these records come from?

The records were made between 1878 and 1971 by those involved in the administration of the Chagos Archipelago. They were retained by the BIOT Administration following the creation of the British Indian Ocean Territory in 1965. The BIOT Administration has digitised the records to allow those with an interest in them to access them.

Why can’t I search for records from before 1878 or after 1971?

The BIOT Administration does not hold any records from before 1878 or after 1971.

Why can’t I find the record I’m looking for?

Some records may have been lost or damaged in the years since they were created. All of the records held by the BIOT Administration have been digitised and made available on this website.

Why can I only download copies of some records?

The records have been categorised based on their age. Birth records older than 100 years, marriage records older than 75 years, and death records older than 50 years have been categorised as ‘historical’. Users can download images of historical records directly from the website. The remainder of the records have been categorised as ‘modern’. To view an image of a modern record, users need to submit a request to the BIOT administration via the website.

Who can I contact if I have a question about this website?

If you have any questions relating to the website or to the records contained here, you can contact the BIOT Administration by using the contact page or via email at BIOTAdmin@fcdo.gov.uk